Zero Science Lab is a macedonian information security research and development laboratory. Founded in the year 2007 by a security researcher Gjoko Krstic with the idea of developing higher sense of information security in Macedonia and wider.
From its existence, Zero Science Lab has found vulnerabilities and weaknesses in a large number of world famous software packages and web applications which are widely used for accomplishing everyday computer activities.
Clients and Gratifications
We have found vulnerabilities in a world famous applications developed by Nero, Adobe Systems, Zortam, eEye Digital Security, EdrawSoft, CyberLink, BlazeVideo, Acritum Software, VirusBlokAda, AVTECH Software, Mozilla Foundation, Ashampoo, Nevercenter, Native Instruments, Softek Software, J.River, Google, Etype, Codeorigin, Gabest, LEAD Technologies, Nullsoft, Zen Ventures, Texas Imperial Software, Corel Corporation, Squiz Pty, W3C, gAllMedia, Microsoft Corporation, Opera Software, Infiero Premium Software, Dawningsoft, QtWeb, Maxthon International, Flock, Apple, SmartCode Solutions, Athlete Web Services, Unleash Networks, URUWorks, AIMP, AssistantTools.com, Altova, Aladdin Knowledge Systems, Neoact, MightSOFT, Horizon Software, Login Systems, WampServer, CableTEL, Planet Interactive, Oracle Corporation, Webteh, BlueHost, VideoLAN, Team Johnlong Software, Valve Corporation, IBM Corporation, Spiceworks and many others.
The discovered vulnerabilities and weaknesses by Zero Science Lab team were published on security portals and companies from all over the world which the laboratory have had direct or indirect cooperation with the same for coordinated release of security advisories.
The security companies and teams that Zero Science Lab has/had cooperation are:
- Packet Storm Security (http://www.packetstormsecurity.com)
- milw0rm (http://www.milw0rm.com)
- IBM Internet Security Systems (ISS) X-Force (http://www.iss.net)
- Symantec Security Focus (http://www.securityfocus.com)
- Hack Zone (http://www.hackzone.ru)
- Secunia (http://www.secunia.com)
- Security Reason (http://www.securityreason.com)
- MITRE Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) (http://cve.mitre.org)
- Open Source Vulnerability Database (OSVDB) (http://www.osvdb.org)
- China Information Technology Security Evalutaion Center (http://www.itsec.gov.cn)
- F-Secure (http://www.f-secure.com)
- Security Lab (http://www.securitylab.ru)
- Positive Technologies (http://www.ptsecurity.com)
- Vitter Security Team (http://www.vfocus.net)
- Brunei Computer Emergency Response Team (BruCERT) (http://www.brucert.org.bn)
- VUPEN Security (http://www.vupen.com)
- Juniper Networks (http://www.juniper.net)
- Security Tracker (http://securitytracker.com)
- SEBUG Security Vulnerability Information Database (http://www.sebug.net)
- Beyond Security (http://www.beyondsecurity.com)
- SecuriTeam (http://www.securiteam.com)
- eEye Digital Security (http://www.eeye.com)
- VirusBlokAda (http://www.anti-virus.by)
- Bug Search (http://www.bugsearch.net)
- Apple Product Security Team (http://www.apple.com)
- Red Oracle (http://www.redoracle.com)
- Help Net Security (http://www.net-security.org)
- Venus (http://www.venustech.com.cn)
- Offensive Security Exploit Database (http://www.exploit-db.com)
- Brno University Security Laboratory (BUSLab) (http://www.buslab.org)
- GSO Management Government Security (http://www.governmentsecurity.org)
- ASTALAVISTA Group (http://www.astalavista.com)
- Tenable Network Security (http://www.tenablesecurity.com)
- Xakep Online (http://www.xakep.ru)
- Google Security Team (http://www.google.com)
- Shell Storm (http://www.shell-storm.org)
- Adobe Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) (http://www.adobe.com)
- Quttera (http://www.quttera.com)
- Neohapsis (http://www.neohapsis.com)
- VeriSign iDefense Labs (http://labs.idefense.com)
- Microsoft Security Response Center (http://www.microsoft.com)
- Matriux Security Distribution (http://www.matriux.com)
- Exploit-ID Indonesian Exploits Archive (http://www.exploit-id.com)
- ACROS Security (http://www.acrossecurity.com)
- Paterva (http://www.paterva.com)
- ManageEngine Security Response Center (http://www.manageengine.com)
- TippingPoint Zero Day Initiative (http://www.zerodayinitiative.com)
- Sentelist FZC (http://www.sentelist.net)
- CyberSecurity.mk (http://www.cybersecurity.mk)
Zero Science Lab is also in a close cooperation with few macedonian companies and education centers like:
- Interactive marketing agency and consulting company - IWM Network (http://www.iwmnetwork.com)
- Information technology academy - Alexandria (http://www.alexandria.com.mk)
- "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University of Skopje (Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies (FEIT)) (http://www.feit.ukim.edu.mk)
- Macedonian IT portal - IT.com.mk (http://www.it.com.mk)
- Air services company - Boniair (http://www.bonier.com.mk)
We are open for any kind of cooperation with organizations and companies of any kind, for improvement of information security in the world and wider.
This official web page of Zero Science Lab is version 2.0 with a new look and design. The old version of the web page can be found here.