TELSAT marKoni FM Transmitter 1.9.5 Client-Side Access Control Bypass Vendor: TELSAT Srl Product web page: Affected version: Markoni-D (Compact) FM Transmitters Markoni-DH (Exciter+Amplifiers) FM Transmitters Markoni-A (Analogue Modulator) FM Transmitters Firmware: 1.9.5 1.9.3 1.5.9 1.4.6 1.3.9 Summary: Professional FM transmitters. Desc: The application implements client-side restrictions that can be bypassed by editing the HTML source page that enable administrative operations. Tested on: GNU/Linux 3.10.53 (armv7l) icorem6solox lighttpd/1.4.33 Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic Macedonian Information Security Research and Development Laboratory Zero Science Lab - - @zeroscience Advisory ID: ZSL-2024-5810 Advisory URL: 10.11.2023 -- These few JavaScript functions can be called directly in the browser's console and can enable a user to execute and apply modifications with admin rights. There are plenty more functions throughout the web application's interface. set_wget() change_ip_settings() change_web_port() set_sendtime() add_mailaddress() set_mailinglist() ... ...