CultBooking 2.0.4 (lang) Local File Inclusion Vulnerability Vendor: Cultuzz Digital Media GmbH Product web page: Affected version: 2.0.4 Summary: Open source hotel booking system (Internet Booking Engine (IBE)). Via a central api called CultSwitch it is possible to make bookings and set the actual availabilities in the hotels pms. This is easy to install and easy to integrate with full support. Desc: CultBooking suffers from a local file inlcusion/disclosure (LFI/FD) vulnerability when input passed thru the 'lang' parameter to cultbooking.php script is not properly verified before being used to include files. This can be exploited to include files from local resources with directory traversal attacks and URL encoded NULL bytes. ~ Conditional on 'magic_quotes_gpc=off'. Tested on: Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 (EN) Apache 2.2.14 (Win32) PHP 5.3.1 MySQL 5.1.41 Vulnerability discovered by: Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic liquidworm gmail com Zero Science Lab - Advisory ID: ZSL-2011-4988 Advisory URL: 16.01.2011 Dork: "inurl:cultbooking.php"